The Binnie family have been operating in Australian Agriculture since 1835. Based on 7,000 acres of prime cattle breeding country renowned for lush pastures, crystal clear spring fed creeks and diverse natural landscapes in the heart of the Hunter Valley, NSW Australia.
After a century of sustainable and innovative farming practices, covering registered Hereford breeding, cheese production, dairy manufacturing, and draft horse breeding on Mirannie Station, Steve and Liz Binnie took on this family legacy in 2004, moving solely into Stud Wagyu cattle breeding and beef sales.
Today the business produces a deliberately limited number of fullblood wagyu animals each month, and this unique mouth watering product has burst onto the wagyu market with widespread acclaim. While elite marbling genetics underpin much of their success, slow animal growth cycles, and paddock based grazing on a diverse diet of native grasses, herbs, thistles, shrubs, gum leaves, vitamins and minerals thoroughly enriches the Binnie Beef flavour, which is now highly sought after by some of the worlds best chefs from Sydney to Shanghai, Singapore, Saudi, London and New York.
The unique Binnie Beef flavour, setting it apart from other marbled beef is derived from its elevated vitamin and nutrient density. Binnie Beef cattle are slow grown, rather than being rushed through the feeding process to maximise kgs, marbling and price. Instead, our cattle enjoy a full extra year of freerange grazing on an exclusive Binnie Beef diet, giving the animals and therefore the beef a unique range of flavours, vitamins and minerals.
This slow growth strategy, combined with elite marbling genetics, delivers a truly unique taste that is often described as “the best beef on earth”. Binnie Beef and other Fullblood Wagyu product contains more conjulated linoleic acid (CLA) per gram than any other foodstuff - 30 percent more than any other beef breed. Indeed, Wagyu in general is a great source of unsaturated (healthy) fats, including Omega 6 and 3 oils.
Healthy Beef
Wagyu is a great source of essential vitamins and nutrients, while it is also high in unsaturated (healthy) fats, including Omega 6 and 3 oils. Wagyu beef also contains more conjulated linoleic acid (CLA) per gram than any other foodstuff - 30 percent more than any other beef breed. CLA is a fatty acid with potent anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as being an anti-inflammatory agent.
Recent research demonstrates that Wagyu has the potential to reduce heart disease, diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer’s, reduce body fat gain and increase immune response. Dr Tim Crowe, a dietitian and lecturer at Deakin University, says the mono-unsaturated to saturated fats ratio is higher in Wagyu beef than any other beef breed. “But even saturated fat contained in Wagyu is different,” Dr Crowe said. “Forty percent is in a version called stearic acid, which is regarded as having minimal impact in raising cholesterol levels. So really, the profile of marbled Wagyu beef is more beneficial to human health. It can be described as a healthier type of meat.”

Visit the Binnie Beef Warehouse
From our paddock to your porch - restaurant grade beef at wholesale prices.
144 Parry St Newcastle West